

To Juice or Not to Juice?


Jason Vale, also known as The Juice Master, is an English author, motivational speaker, and lifestyle coach who has been devising juice and blend plans for over two decades. He tells WHEREVER why it’s the key to a healthy lifestyle.

I have received tens of thousands of testimonials from people all over the world, for whom juicing has had a dramatic, positive effect on their weight and health conditions. People who are not only extremely pleasantly surprised by the sheer amount of weight they’ve dropped on a plan but also by how it then catapulted them into making healthy changes for life.

I have seen people go on to lose over 150lbs (68 kilos) after an initial seven-day plan. I have also seen people cut down on certain medications, and, in many cases, stop taking them altogether. I have witnessed first-hand—thousands of times—how people sleep better, have more mental clarity, more energy, and just more fire in their belly.

If you’re in a bad eating and drinking rut and don’t seem to be able to climb out, it doesn’t matter if you’re a juice virgin or a juice veteran; my Juice & Blend 7-Day Reset will help to get you out. I realise that’s a bold statement, but I haven’t just arrived at the juice diet gates. I have been doing them and devising them longer than anyone I know, and they work for the vast, vast majority of people. Well, they work if you actually complete them, that is!

My mission is not only to lay the plan out for you but to get you mentally and physically prepared, so you complete it.

The book is accompanied by an app for the plan, and the most common feedback I get, aside from significant weight loss and how good people feel at the end, is about how easy the plan is to follow. Not only because you don’t ever feel uncomfortably hungry, but also because you don’t have to clean your juicer as much. This, if you’ve never done a juice plan, is a big deal.

“I have yet to find anything as effective for safe, rapid weight loss and overall good health in general.”

The new Juice & Blend 7-Day Reset is made up of 50% juices and 50% blends, which is why—in my humble juicy opinion—it’s the perfect balance of macronutrient blends and micronutrient-rich juices.

The blends, for every morning and evening, are rich in plant proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (macronutrients). Fats and proteins help to regulate appetite, so they will keep you nicely satisfied and fuller for longer. They will also help to keep energy levels up throughout the plan.

The juices consumed during the day are micronutrient-rich (vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds). Both the blends and juices contain macro and micronutrients. However, blends are richer in macronutrients, and the juices are richer in the micronutrient side of nutritional life.


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